Target Marketing—Priced Exclusively
for CPAConnect Members
For almost three decades, we’ve served as offsite marketing advisors to CPA firms. SJK·PR moves your client relationships from transactional to transformative—elevating your practice in the minds of your clients, prospects and referral sources.
You’ve built your firm’s foundation. You know what your practice could look like. We can help you get there.
As a CPAConnect Preferred Provider, we’re proud to offer our marketing and PR services with a 20% discount exclusively for CPAConnect members. Whether you’re ready to create and implement a periodic marketing plan or simply need to update your website and raise your search engine optimization (SEO), we’ll help you see what you’ve only been envisioning.
You can start with professional marketing guidance for as little as $480/month, or completely outsource your marketing activities with an all-inclusive “Offsite Marketing Department” flat-rate or custom-designed package, tailored to meet your specific needs:
Tell Your Story Using the Power of the Printed Newsletter
Think printed newsletters are dead and ineffective? How many times do you ignore or delete those annoying E-newsletters? After researching, assembling, writing, editing and designing a virtual newsletter (or worse, paying someone else to do it) …it was never seen or read!
We offer a better, proven way.
Touting the advantages of printed newsletters, Entrepreneur magazine provided insight into their increasingly high ROI: “Print newsletters arriving by mail, opened, physically handled, read, clipped from, saved, and shared have positive effects that cannot be replicated online.”
SJK·PR provides hassle-free, timely newsletters, customized with your brand and unique marketing information, positioning your firm to your existing clients, prospects, and referral sources as trusted financial and business advisors.
Newsletters are a time-tested, proven tool to both enhance and retain client relationships. Using our newsletters, you’ll provide stories about business tax tips, college savings plans or new tax laws, and we do ALL the work: